Weight Relationship Management

Weight Loss – Weight Relationship Management ™

Why Weight Loss?

We all at some point in our lives feel that we need some weight loss. dietMany people struggle with their weight. The diet industry in the UK alone, is worth £2 billion (ref Independent 2013). Many will sign up to weight loss programs, and spend a fortune. Yes when they are on the diet the individual may lose weight. However diets are not sustainable, so once the diet is ended the weight creeps back on and often more than the individual lost in the first place. Diets look at what goes into our mouths but not the reason behind the habits and emotions that control the relationship with food.

Life style changes work, diets don’t. With the WRM  technique we use combination of NLP techniques and hypnosis, we identify the eating habits, reasons and emotional needs behind eating which supports long term changes not just the symptoms of over or under eating.  This method not only works for weight loss but also weight, gain where there is an underlying eating disorder. People are not their behaviours we are so much more than that!! We all do the best we can with the resources we have available to us. With more resources available to us or if you like the correct tools in our tool kit we can make changes to our behaviour and life.

What is Weight Loss – Weight Relationship Management ™?

scalesWe work with you to identifying your own personal goals as we are all different, and have experienced different journeys in our lives. WRM will enable you to change your relationship with food and how you think about food and your body shape with a combination of NLP techniques such as Time Line Therapy, hypnosis, parts integration, and values inventory. If required we will use the hypnotic gastric band technique. During the sessions you will learn which tools you need in your tool kit to help you make the long term changes to your behaviour and life. The result you will end up eating a healthy balanced diet, really enjoy your meals, have the energy to your need to exercise and have a healthy active life. You will also look great too and will have achieved your weight loss.

WRM is not an exercise program,  weight loss program, or a nutritional advice, although I do work from time to time with personal trainer and other health industry experts. The WRM tackles the real underlying deep problem and your relationship with food.

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You will be required to keep a food diary that also looks at your emotions and eating habits. You will also be set other tasks. It is important that you complete the tasks. The main changes will occur outside the sessions. If you don’t complete the task then ask yourself ‘Do I really want to be a different size and shape’? Do I really want to be in control of my relationship with food and weight? I know the answer, and I know you do too, of course you do. Completing the Tasks will help you reach your personal goal.

We review your values and beliefs and align them to your goal of weight management. We will elicit any limiting decision or beliefs that you may have about yourself and resolve any conflicting beliefs. We will look at your motivation strategy and ensure you are really motivated and ready to achieve your goal.  We use Time Line Therapy to get rid of any unwanted or negative emotions and place your Goal in your future Time Line. We will also use Hypnosis for deep relaxation.

After your agreed number of face to face sessions, you will have my support for a further 3 months. This will include hourly appointments every two weeks via telephone or Skype or, if necessary, a face to face appointment can be arranged. You can also email me at any time during this period to discuss your progress or if you require my support.

What if?

You could be in control of your life and your relationship with food. You could address the real underlying issues, clear out all those negative emotions. You will have a clear uncluttered mind to focus on the things that you want.  What if  startedp eating a healthy balanced diet, really enjoyed your meals, have the energy to your need to exercise and have a healthy active life. You  also look and feel great too.

To find out more about NLP click here

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